Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry X'mas!

Merry Christmas to all!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Gloomy Days

Ifrared Series

James never looked this cool.

A combination of IR and HDR

Likewise for this

Beauty of infra-red

Sinister yet beautiful

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How to set up NTU webmail on Outlook

Taken from

This post serves as a guide to all NTU students who want to use their NTU Mail on Microsoft Outlook.

Before anything, download VPN from here

Once you have downloaded it, install this software, it allows you to tunnel into the NTU's network. Remember to log in using your user name : student\xxxxxxx and your password.

After that launch outlook express.

I will add screenshots later. So these instructions will suffice for now.

1) Launch MS Outlook

2) Add a new account

3) Select "Microsoft Exchange Server"

4) Enter "" as the Exchange Server"

5) ALL NTU Student start with a "#" in front of the name. So if you were to email me, you would like "#LAU WEE KIANG JEREMY" without the quotes. So under "User Name", you would like "#" followed by your name and click "Check Name" in order to verify.

Thats it. You can use your NTU mail with your MS Outlook.

Additional: To access the Public Folder, click on the Folder Icon at the bottom of the left panel.